Bondi Gold, 25 September 2000 (Part 3)

The whistle blew. I tossed it up, launched myself into the air and rolled my arm through, slicing the side of the ball with my hand to drag it over to the left. I watched it in what now seems like slow motion. It hit the top of the net, seeming to deliberate for a second over which way it should...

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Bondi Gold, 25 September 2000 (Part 2)

Not long after we resumed, something extraordinary happened that tipped the psychological balance our way and kept it there. It had such an effect on the outcome that, from that moment, it didn’t matter what the scoreboard said. What happened was this: Adriana served, and her serve hit the...

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Bondi Gold, 25 September 2000 (Part 1)

The famous—some say infamous—chant rippled loudly around the stadium, straight up the tunnel and through my body:

 “Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi Oi Oi!”.

Ten thousand voices as one. All of a sudden I felt at home, yet also anxious and a little afraid. My body didn’t...

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